originator|originators in English


[o'rig·i·na·tor || ə'rɪdʒəneɪtə(r)]

creator; inventor; producer; beginner; generato

Use "originator|originators" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "originator|originators" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "originator|originators", or refer to the context using the word "originator|originators" in the English Dictionary.

1. Originator Return Address

2. But they were not the originators of this teaching.

3. originate and distribute: to achieve a better alignment of the interests of investors and originators, originators should generally retain exposure to their securitised products by holding a representative stake in the product; disclosure should be made of the level of the stakes originators keep in loan products; as an alternative to retention, other measures to align interests of investors and originators should be investigated;

4. He was the originator with Mike Kirkby of the TOPMODEL Concepts and the originator of the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology.

5. Why does the Bible call the Originator Almighty God?

6. originate and distribute: to achieve a better alignment of the interests of investors and originators, originators should generally retain exposure to their securitised products by holding a representative stake in the product; disclosure should be made of the level of the stakes originators keep in loan products; as an alternative to retention, other measures to align interests of investors and originators should be investigated

7. Rain, ice, and frost have no human father or originator.

8. Some former Communards, like Benoît Malon, were themselves among the originators of socialist reformism

9. Armalite is the originator of the AR-10® and AR-15 rifles

10. Who is the originator and backer of the man of lawlessness?

11. Aperiodic Tilings are usually named for their originators, there are Wang, Robinson, Ammann and Penrose tilings.

12. Rather, the credit primarily goes to the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God.

13. Arachnid is the originator of soft-tip darts and leading manufacturer of electronic dartboards

14. A group of people living in Cleveland, claim to be the originators of the term and event.

15. Jehovah helps us to avoid it by unmasking its originator, Satan the Devil.

16. Synonyms for Contriver include originator, designer, inventor, deviser, developer, innovator, introducer, formulator, creator and architect

17. Originators that will like to make use of oral Authorizations will need meet all requirements for oral Authorizations

18. The Originator of this message, Jehovah God, certainly wants you youths to be happy.

19. Auteur/ o’tur/author or originator; an artist whose style and practice is considered original and distinctive

20. Eagle Tugs was the originator of the Bob Tail design over 45 years ago

21. Biosimilars are biologics that are highly similar to a reference or originator biologic product.

22. Kafkaesque is a famous contemporary novelist of Austria and one of the originators of modernist school of literature.

23. True love is “the flame of Jah” in that Jehovah is the Originator of such love.

24. As the originator of the Insurance Law, the maritime insurance makes several provisions for the double insurance.

25. There are many strategies involving a Carry, for example: A mortgage originator borrows money in the wholesale markets at a rate of 3% The originator then lends that money out to homeowners at a rate